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Your First Visit - Abba Healing Services


Welcome Home

Being new can be scary.

Join our family

What to Expect

 onl neYour First Phone Call

When you make your first phone call, you will be greeted by our wonderful virtual assistant (Jessy) or myself (Ethan)!  

We will ask for basic information:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • How you heard about us
  • A brief description of your reason for seeking counseling
  • The best time for your first appointment

I will also advise you to arrive about 15 minutes before your appointment to fill out the necessary forms to begin counseling.


The First Session

Once you have completed the necessary forms online prior to the appointment and have arrived hopeful and eager for your first appointment, I will ask you questions about your background and how you decided to come to counseling.

Think of it as a late night talk show.  It is NOT an interrogation.  It WILL be casual and I hope enjoyable for you.

Are you ready to make a change for the better?