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Fees - Abba Healing Services


An Investment Worth Making

While the cost of therapy may seem high, it is important to remember that this is an investment in yourself that will pay off far more than the price put in.  In a relatively small amount of time, far shorter than other counseling services, you alleviate a lifetime of worry and emotional pain.

Similar to a stock market, you put in the time and investment and watch it exponentially grow.  Only, when you work with a quality therapist like the team we have here at Abba Healing Services, there is no risk in losing your investment.


The Payoff

As long as you put in the time, effort, and investment, counseling will pay off in the following ways:

  • Reduce or eliminate costs for court fees, attorney fees, and time wasted in legal battles
  • Increase happiness
  • Eliminate a lifetime of emotional pain
  • Improved mood
  • Stable, deep relationships
  • Worries, sadness, and anger become manageable
  • Gain skills that allow you to end therapy and continue to reap the benefits for a lifetime
  • Even the “normal” parts of life become easier

Your mental health is not a subject in which you want to buy the “off-brand.”  Looking to cut costs by finding a therapist who takes insurance or accepts a lower rate often costs more in the final analysis.  Paying for services that cause you to lose time without making a significant difference will prolong the issue that you want to be resolved.  Less experienced or skilled therapists may also complicate the issue further, especially if you begin to believe that your struggle is unmanageable leading to despair or hopelessness.  Maybe it’s time to do what is best for you and focus on finding quality and experienced therapists instead of the least expensive ones.


The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Investing in your mental health pays off not only in the present but also in your future.  The skills that you learn in therapy now can be used over and over again to avoid common pitfalls that would have caused disaster in the future.  The problems that you would have encountered in the future will be short-circuited before they become a problem.

We are glad that you are making that investment to become the person that the Father created you to be and to be more present to your family, spouse, and God.

Each of our therapists will have their own set of fees that will be discussed at the first session, but below you will find an example of what our fees look like:



We are considered an out-of-network provider, which means that we don’t directly bill your insurance company.  So it’s really important for you to talk to your insurance company to find out your out-of-network benefits.  We’ve had clients that have had 100% reimbursement and we’ve had clients that have had no reimbursement, so we don’t want you to get into a situation where you don’t know what to expect.  We want you to know what your benefits are ahead of time and then you will know going forward.

So the way that works is you go through your session with your clinician.  At the beginning of your session, you pay [insert fee] with either credit card, check, or cash.  You get a receipt and on that receipt, there’s a section for what’s called a CPT code and a diagnosis code.  And so if you are deciding that you want to submit this to your insurance, then we would put the CPT code down there as well as the insurance code for your diagnosis.


Concerns about Diagnosis

Now one thing about diagnosis is that it becomes a part of your permanent medical health record, so some people feel uncomfortable about getting a diagnosis to get reimbursement. That is completely up to you so we can talk about the pros and cons of having a diagnosis with your therapist.



You can always use your flexible spending account or health savings account.

If you do not have an HSA then you may want to talk to your accountant about that because then you can use pre-tax dollars that you can save from whatever your tax bracket is in regards to your medical costs.  So that might be a good option that your accountant could walk you through.


Freedom to Choose Your Therapist

A lot of people have really high deductibles on their health insurance anyway, so do you know what your deductible is?

For my family, personally, our health insurance deductible is $12,000 for the family, so that means that unless I have a major surgery that’s planned this year, then I am going to have to pay up to 100% of that deductible anyway, except for a couple of things like primary care visits.

So that means that your insurance company can decide who you get to see or you can decide who you get to see in regards to which expert you want to have help your situation.

Don't Be Shy

I’d love to discuss any questions that you have or to set up an appointment.